No. 46 (2017): Afryka

Historical and Political Conditions of the State Crises in Guinea-Bissau

Joanna Mormul
Katedra Stosunków Międzynarodowych i Polityki Zagranicznej, Instytut Nauk Politycznych i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Jabłonowskich 5, 31-114 Kraków, Polska

Published 2017-10-01


  • Guinea-Bissau,
  • statehood crises,
  • history of Guinea-Bissau,
  • politics of Guinea-Bissau,
  • state dysfunctionality


The article analyzes the historical-political determinants of statehood crises in Guinea-Bissau. In the post-independence history of this country, there is a tendency to take political power by military coups, and the continual attempts to exert influence by high-ranking commanders of the armed forces on, an anyhow unstable, domestic political scene. Since the introduction of the multi-party system in 1994, none of Guinea-Bissauan presidents has succeeded in reaching the end of his mandate. This phenomenon is recognised as the fundamental and systemic cause of the statehood crises plaguing Guinea-Bissau. By presenting the turning points in its recent history and the international context, especially in the regional dimension, the author seeks to diagnose the causes of the continually unstable and fragile political situation in Guinea-Bissau.


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