The Batwa – A Hundred Years of Transformation. Between Globalisation, State and Tourism
Published 2019-10-01
- Jan Czekanowski,
- changes in culture (transformation process),
- agriculture,
- indigenous people,
- the Batwa
The article is a deep reflection on changes taking place in minority cultures, not only in contact with their larger neighbours, but also, and above all, under the influence of globalisation processes and the rapid development of tourism. The research is structured in order to present the Batwa people living in the African Great Lakes region from a broader time perspective. The juxtaposition of two research periods, one from the early 20th century (Jan Czekanowski) and the other from the 21st century (Lucjan Buchalik), made it possible to track the changes in the everyday life of this community. On the one hand, the Batwa are marginalised, and on the other hand, they are being absorbed by the surrounding, more dominant peoples. Studying the transformation process, one can notice that the Batwa accepted many changes resulting from their contacts with the outside world. It was the process of forcible displacement from their historical territories that threatened the existence of this community.
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