No. 41 (2015): Afryka

The Marian Cult in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Published 2015-04-01


  • Virgin Mary,
  • theology,
  • Christian art,
  • religious poetry,
  • Ark of the Covenant


The cult of Virgin Mary plays an important role in the life of Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. Although Ethiopia is one of the eldest Christian realms in the world, information on the Marian cult in Ethiopia before 13th Century are scarce. It seems that the origin of the Marian devotion as we know it today harks back to the reign of king Zar‘a Yā‘qob (1434-1468). Its general features are easily recognizable to someone acquainted with Roman or Eastern Orthodox tradition. This is hardly surprising since the cult of Mary has its roots in early Christianity. However the Ethiopian interpretation of the Virgin has its peculiarities. In Ethiopia Mary is very strongly associated with the Old Testament, which is clearly visible throughout Ethiopic literature. A particularly close affinity is depicted between Mary and the Arc of the Covenant. This affinity has been incorporated into the Ethiopian ideology of power. Apart from the official theological expression promoted by the Church, the Marian cult has its more popular forms.


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