Jan Czekanowski’s African Travel Diary, June – November 1907. Reconstruction of the Events
Published 2015-10-01
- Jan Czekanowski,
- Diary,
- Interlacustrine Region,
- Central Africa,
- reconstruction of the events
The purpose of this article is an attempt to reconstruct Jan Czekanowski’s research conducted between June and November 1907 in Central Africa. The basis for reconstruction was the fragment of the original, hitherto unpublished manuscript, Diary of the Anthropological-Ethnological Column of the Expedition to Central Africa in the Years 1907–1909, written according to the requirements of the organizers during the expedition. This manuscript has not been published to date, although it is preserved in very good condition, with almost two full sets of texts written in German (fragments are also written in French, Polish and local languages). The collection is stored in the Cabinet of Manuscripts of the University Library in Warsaw, which was deposited there by Anna Czekanowska, the daughter of the researcher. It comprises 11 notebooks and one folder with a total quantity of 1,187 cards. The article is an introduction to future research.
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