No. 49 (2019): Afryka

Law and Justice in the Culture of Ewe. Judgment and Forgiveness

Published 2019-04-01


  • Eve,
  • Togo,
  • Benin,
  • law,
  • justice,
  • judgment,
  • forgiveness
  • ...More


Starting from the definition of the concept of law among the Ewe people, se (its literal meaning is a border that should not be crossed) and justice dzodzoenyenye (in the ontological sense) and nutefew (in the existential sense), this article presents the process of judgment and forgiveness in the culture of Ewe people living in southern Togo and Benin. In Ewe culture, the judgment process takes place within the community, the immediate family or among the villagers. Wrongdoing is defined as disregarding the relationship with the god Mawu, insulting the deities of Tro or voodoo, disrespecting ancestors or committing offenses against a family or village. These offences are reflected in the language, in expressions describing the misdeeds. Then the process of judgment itself is presented, with traditional judgment procedures, traditional trial, judgment, forgiveness and cleansing. The acts and consequences of adultery and the afofofo cleansing ritual are also analysed. The verdict itself, importantly, is dictated by a desire to resolve the conflict and put an end to the dissonance in the community.


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