No. 46 (2017): Afryka

An Attitude of the Hausa People Towards the Islamic Concept of Fate

Ewa Siwierska
Katedra Języków i Kultur Afryki, Wydział Orientalistyczny, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa, Polska

Published 2017-10-01


  • Islam,
  • Hausa (Nigeria),
  • destiny (qadar),
  • free will,
  • Hausa proverbs


Islam teaches the role of destiny (qadar) in human life and reaffirms the belief that what is destined to be yours will come. This paper investigates to what extent the Islamic concept of fate and free will has shaped the mindset of the Hausa people (Northern Nigeria). It has been based on the analysis of Hausa sayings, proverbs and poetry which serve as an avenue for transmitting knowledge, attitudes and moral values and constitute an important aspect of the Hausa culture.


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