The discussion of the subject is preceded by a comprehensive introduction that brings the Ewe people, inhabiting southern Togo and Benin, closer to the reader. Based on historical data and oral tradition, an outline of Ewe’s political structure is presented, starting from the 17th century to the present moment, followed by a description of the traditional social organisation of this people, along with information on the diverse social status of individuals. In this context, the available piecemeal information about the forms of modern slavery and trafficking is included. The main topic is the presentation of Ewe’s traditional kinship system and the importance of family ties. The religious and genealogical dimension of the family is subject to a detailed analysis. A reconstruction of traditional customs, based on information from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, is the starting point for presenting the institution of marriage. The article presents in detail the various stages of entering into a marriage: from getting to know each other and the period of engagement, negotiations regarding the size of the dowry, to the description of the wedding rituals. The article ends with information on the changes in marriage customs in the period after the creation of the independent state of Togo.
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