No. 39 (2014): Afryka

How Ethiopians Share Chicken in the Festive Doro Uet Dish: Hierarchy in an Amharic-speaking Family

Published 2014-04-01


  • Ethiopia,
  • Amhara,
  • Oromo,
  • Sidamo,
  • anthropology of food,
  • hierarchy,
  • family,
  • ethnicity,
  • identity,
  • enjera,
  • doro uet
  • ...More


Article focuses on the transformation in the urban communities in Ethiopia, exemplified by food culture. Ethiopian family, multiethnic and multicultural, is hierarchical and patriarchal. This hierarchy is noticeable also in food and culinary habits, for example the sharing of meat in a festive dish called doro uet.


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