No. 41 (2015): Afryka

Will the Central African Republic Be Divided?

Published 2015-04-01


  • CAR – Central African Republic ,
  • Chad,
  • France,
  • Michel Djotodia,
  • Francois Bozize,
  • Idriss Deby,
  • UN,
  • CEEAC,
  • ECCAS ,
  • Misca ,
  • Sangaris ,
  • Faca,
  • Seleka ,
  • Anti-Balaka,
  • failed states,
  • fragile states,
  • rebellion ,
  • genocide,
  • humanitarian aid ,
  • religious war,
  • Muslims,
  • Christians
  • ...More


Despite being a mineral-rich country, in 2012 the Central African Republic (CAR) was ranked 10th in the Fragile (formerly Failed) States Index according to Fund for Peace. The history of this country has been turbulent. Regular rebellions and disastrous state economic policies have led to economic, political and social collapses in the CAR. The most recent rebellion, conducted by Michel Djotodia and Séléka’s rebel coalition was different than previous coups, supported financially and military by France and Chad. The rebellion has had several stages and lead to the CAR being accused of cannibalism, religious war and genocide. Its conclusion is meant to be a division of the CAR into the supposedly Muslim and Christian parts, even though it does not reflect the country’s actual religious divide; the majority of the CAR’s mineral resources, however, are located in what would be the Muslim part. The article describes the events that took place between December 2012 and May 2014, which formed the basis of false accusations of genocide, religious war and cannibalism in the CAR. The article points towards the Séléka organisation, which from December 2012 has been carrying out its plan to decimate and mentally and financially impoverish the Central Africans, leading to the country’s division. The article analyses two military organisations that have been fighting each other since December 2013, describing their military aims, the course of fighting and the results of their military actions. The text presents both the consequences of aid given to the CAR by France and Chad, and their hidden agenda.


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