No. 43 (2016): Afryka

Risk and Trust in East African Caravan Trade

Published 2016-04-01


  • 19th Century History,
  • East Africa,
  • trade,
  • merchants,
  • Islam


The article scrutinizes the sources and manifestations of risk that was involved in the East African caravan trade in the 19th century (i.e. the pre-colonial, as well as the early colonial period). Also, the text is devoted to the means of trust building (such as cognatic ties, blood brotherhood) that were used to minimize uncertainty that was inherent in the business activities in multiethnic and stateless societies. The stress is put on the clash of different legal traditions, culturally motivated patterns of economic behaviour and economic ethics. In the conclusion, author attempts to interpret the relevant issues in the light of the generally known features of the historical processes: political centralisation of the Sultanate of Zanzibar, the penetration of the interior by Muslims, and destabilisation of the interior.


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