The Catchers of Unfulfilled Dreams – The Dramatic Fates of African Immigrants in the Literature of Equatorial Guinea
Published 2016-04-01
- diaspora,
- Equatorial Guinea,
- economic migration,
- literature,
- political exile
The purpose of the article is to analyze the drama of African immigrants described in the works of writers and poets from Equatorial Guinea. The text is divided into three parts. In the first, I attempt to determine the usefulness of literature to study the problems associated with the phenomenon of migration today. In the second part, I characterize two distinct groups of postcolonial Guinean migrants: political refugees and economic migrants; I also deliberate about the legitimacy of describing them as diaspora. In the last, analytical part of this article, I explain the reasons for describing the representatives of both groups as “catchers of unfulfilled dreams” by presenting their dramatic fates reflected in the literature.
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