No. 51/52 (2021): Afryka

Dams and water reservoirs in Ethiopia as an element of Haile Sillasie I’s politics

Published 2022-04-16


  • Haile Sillasie I,
  • Ethiopia,
  • dams,
  • propaganda,
  • water


The aim of the article is to present the importance of building dams and water reservoirs in the politics of the last Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Sillasie I. The article concentrates on the propaganda aspect of this activity. The article presents the problem in a broader historical context, also referring to the periods after the fall of the Empire, thus trying to prove the continuity of the importance of the problem of water in Ethiopian politics. The main source used is ‟Ethiopian Observer”, published during Haile Sillasie’s reign, which promoted a positive image of the changes taking place in Ethiopia during this period.


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